Kugatsu: September    



Connections to 9/11







Tolerance in Times of Trial


Foreign War and Domestic Freedom


Detroit Free Press

100 questions and answers about Arab Americans


Korematsu' Legacy and the Arab American experience


Parallels between treatment of Japanese Americans and Muslims


Thinking Through Internment (a review)

Full article


Asian American Justice Center


Audit of Violence against Asian Americans 2001


Face to Face on Independent Lens




Oral Histories


Lesson Plans


Wing Luke Asian American Museum




Santa Clara University


Racial Profiling


New York Civil Liberties Union


Civil Liberties: Ten years after 911


National Defense Authorization Act 2012


Allows detention of civilians








Japanese American organizations

University Websites with a Japanese American focus

Overview, timelines and bibliographies


US Government Websites

Faculty Websites

Documents and historical footage



Military Intelligence Service and 442nd RCT




Lesson Plans

Demographic Overview of Japanese Americans


Newspaper articles